Friday, February 04, 2005

what's in a name?

When I was a kid, I really wasn't fond of my name. It was a bit old fashioned and it stuck out like a sore thumb, sort of like my Dad at a Best Buy. All I wanted to do was be like everyone else. Couldn't I just be a Mike, Tom, Bill or Scott? As a kid, all you want to do is fit in with everyone else. The name Warren was a bit odd by comparison.

The biggest slap in the face? My name was never in those spinning displays with the mini-license plate souvenirs. Keychains that said "WARREN" on them? More rare than an Emmy nomination for Joey.

But as I got older, I started to see the advantages in having a name like mine. When people call out my name across a crowded room, I'm 96.4% sure that they're looking for me. I've seen many a Chris turn around eagerly upon hearing their name yelled out, only to turn away sheepishly when the realize that they weren't the intended target. To see the disappointment in their faces is sometimes sadder than the end of Old Yeller.

Also, while my name is relatively unique, most people have at least heard of it. So I usually don't have to keep saying my name over and over, hoping that someone will figure it out. None of this type of exchange -- "Hi, I'm Pacey." "I'm sorry, Casey?" "No, Pacey" "Oh. Well, nice to meet you Tracy" "No! Pacey!" And so on and so forth. For me one introduction, on rare occasions two, is enough.

Speaking of the name Pacey, why is it that the exchange above never happened on Dawson's Creek? That should have happened EVERY FRIGGIN' TIME Pacey met someone new. Come on? Pacey? And people just accepted it without questioning it, like it's the most common thing in the world? Give me a break. Then again, his best friend's name is Dawson, so I guess maybe in Capeside when some dude named Matt comes to town people are all confused. "I'm sorry, did you say Gratt?" "No, Matt" "What? Zratt?" Ok, I'm a bit off topic here. I apologize.

In the end, I've learned to come around and love my name. I'm a Warren, damn it, and I'm proud of it. I'm hoping to pass along the same type of name to my offspring now -- something people have heard of, but isn't the most commonly used name in the world. If you have any suggestions, please post them in the comments area. And please, don't suggest Zratt. That's so played out.


tatertot said...

i am personally fond of the name Diana...

Anonymous said...

Woodrow. You know, to keep the series of Presidential names going. Also, there was a Simpsons episode about that name. -BK