Friday, September 09, 2005

man, there goes $250 bucks

Apple just introduced the new iPod Nano, which is so tiny, it makes the iPod Mini look like Kirstie Alley by comparison. The new iPod is thinner than a pencil, less wide than a credit card, and has a full color screen capable of displaying pictures. For $199, you can get a 2 GB Nano, but for only $50 bucks more, you can upgrade to a 4 GB device. Not bad, considering the Liliputian proportions.

Damn. I'm sold. I already have an iPod, but I feel compelled to shell out even more cash for the latest in tiny electronic gadgetry. Oh well, such is the price of progress. Although I know I will feel sheepish next year when they introduce the iPod Atom, the first iPod that can fit inside your left nostril.


Anonymous said...

When is it coming out, lady?

Anonymous said...

You wrote this article only so you can include the word "Lilliputian", didn't you.