tatertot117: did you see this?
tatertot117: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5510458356#ebayphotohosting
warren: yeah... did you bid?
tatertot117: yeah right
tatertot117: did you?
warren: i'm sure you can use 4 framed despair posters
warren: 40k is kinda alot
warren: i'd buy all his crap for like 60 bucks maybe
tatertot117: uh yeah
tatertot117: haha
tatertot117: there's a car in there
warren: yeah, ok, 90 bucks
tatertot117: haha
tatertot117: perfect
warren: his furniture is tacky
tatertot117: why don't you bid that
warren: couldn't someone with a better life put their stuff on sale?
tatertot117: you'd have to go there and pick it up tho
tatertot117: a person wiith a better life would not want to sell their life
warren: i guess that's true
warren: his stuff looks like my stuff
warren: and i already have my stuff
tatertot117: haha
warren: it won't let you bid less than 39k
warren: boo
tatertot117: maybe if i was his neighbor
tatertot117: i'd bid $90
tatertot117: then i could just go next door
warren: and just take the car out for a spin and crash it into my new tv and couch
tatertot117: haha
warren: that would be worth 90 bucks to me
warren: just to see the look on his face
tatertot117: haha
warren: as i destroy the little that is left of his life
tatertot117: "this is what i think of your life's worth!" CRASH!
warren: OR... buy it, and invite his ex-wife over so she can smash it instead of me
tatertot117: haha
tatertot117: cruel cruel man
warren: yeah... pure evil
warren: the dude just wants a fresh start
tatertot117: so smash it all up
warren: although i don't see how 40k is going to give him that
tatertot117: no he doesn't
tatertot117: he wants a publicity stunt
warren: yeah
warren: he's just going to blow the cash on drugs, chicks, and hair spray